
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's Official!!!

It’s official!

First, I want to thank all the wonderful, amazing people who have been behind me through this whole thing. I never could have survived, or continued, if it hadn’t been for all your loving support and occasional push when needed. I love you all to pieces.

After hundreds of hours, buckets of sweat and tears, is finally finished and I have a tentative release date for The Ninth Chosen: The Shadow Prison for the first week of June! 

AHHH! Sorry, I had to scream. This has been such a long road. I know it’s not over yet, in many ways it’s just beginning, but I feel like I have made it across a huge milestone and it deserves a virtual scream:).

I am so excited! This is a huge, scary, step, but I’m so thrilled you’ll be taking it with me. Because I am doing this all by myself, I owe so much to my early fans and blog followers. You all have been my beta-testers and cheerleaders. It has been, and will continue to be, your comments and suggestions that make the website and final book something that will entertain and draw future audiences. Please don’t be afraid to give me honest feedback. If you think something great needs to be added to the website, let me know. If you see something awful that needs to be fixed, let me know. The comments on Wattpad will only give everyone a better final read. The comments and feedback on the website will only make it more fun and entertaining for everyone. I LOVE suggestions!

Here’s a short list for what is in store for your visit to the website:)

·       *All new subscribers to the website will receive an awesome free PDF entitled, Insights into the Main Characters of the Ninth Chosen Series. It has some amazing character sketches by Lisa as well as fun tidbits about the main characters that couldn’t be included in the book without huge info dumps:). This also allows you to receive automatic email updates when I post something about the book, like release dates, preorders, and other fun stuff.
     *There is an About the Hidden World page where you can learn all about many of the characters and creatures of the Hidden world. It includes sketches by Lisa as well as some by me.

·       *There is an About Lisa Anderson page where you can read about my amazing illustrator, link to her Facebook, or even contact her for her commission pricing.

·        *There is an About the Book page where you can read the basic blurb for the book.

·       *There is an About the Characters page where you can view a list of Characters as well as the definitions of different terms used in the book and a language dictionary.

·       *Each page has a several share buttons from Facebook to Pinterest. Lisa has given permission to “pin” the images you see of hers to your Pinterest boards or share them via other social media, so long as the main URL still directs back to the website and her copyright is not removed. 
·       *On the About the Hidden World page there is a link to my Pinterest board entitled, Novel: The Ninth Chosen, where you can view all the pins I relate to my story—character look-a-likes, creatures, and settings used in the book.

·       *On the main page you’ll find a link to Wattpad where you can read the first chapter. I’ll be adding a chapter a week until the book is officially released. If it goes as planned then you should be able to get a sneak peak and offer valuable feedback on the first eight to ten chapters! Reads with “comments”, “follows”, and "votes" on Wattpad greatly help my promotion, so I’d love for you all to take a look if you have time. You will have to create a free account, but it’s a really fun site and you can read a ton of books for free! Just put in your favorite genre, rating, and it will make suggestions for you to read. Some authors post samples for feedback, but some established authors actually post the whole book for free! Even big names like Brandon Sanderson post to Wattpad:)!

·       *Also on the main page will be links to all my most recent blog posts and categories.

I invite all you amazing people to come take a look, invite your friends, and leave a comment or two. Word of mouth is an Indie author’s best friend. 

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!! I hope you stay on the journey and don’t leave disappointed.

If you have any questions or concerns you can email me at:  
kaparkinson AT kaparkinson DOT com

Stay tuned! Next week I plan to post a little history of how the book came about:)